Module FlatCurry.Annotated.Files

This library supports meta-programming, i.e., the manipulation of Curry programs in Curry. This library defines I/O actions to read Curry programs and transform them into this representation.

Author: Michael Hanus

Version: December 2018

Summary of exported operations:

readTypedFlatCurry :: String -> IO (AProg TypeExpr)   
readTypedFlatCurryWithParseOptions :: String -> FrontendParams -> IO (AProg TypeExpr)   
typedFlatCurryFileName :: String -> String   
readTypedFlatCurryFile :: String -> IO (AProg TypeExpr)   
readTypedFlatCurryFileRaw :: String -> IO String   

Exported operations:

readTypedFlatCurry :: String -> IO (AProg TypeExpr)   

typedFlatCurryFileName :: String -> String   

readTypedFlatCurryFile :: String -> IO (AProg TypeExpr)   

readTypedFlatCurryFileRaw :: String -> IO String