Module Analysis.TotallyDefined

Pattern completeness and totally definedness analysis for Curry programs

This analysis checks for each function in a Curry program whether this function is completely defined, i.e., reducible on all ground constructor terms

Author: Johannes Koj, Michael Hanus

Version: May 2013

Summary of exported operations:

showSibling :: AOutFormat -> [(String,String)] -> String   
An analysis to compute the sibling constructors (belonging to the same data type) for a data constructor.
siblingCons :: Analysis [(String,String)]   
totalAnalysis :: Analysis Bool   
A function is totally defined if it is pattern complete and depends only on totally defined functions.
showTotally :: AOutFormat -> Bool -> String   
patCompAnalysis :: Analysis Completeness   
Pattern completeness analysis
showComplete :: AOutFormat -> Completeness -> String   

Exported datatypes:



  • Complete :: Completeness
  • InComplete :: Completeness
  • InCompleteOr :: Completeness

Exported operations:

showSibling :: AOutFormat -> [(String,String)] -> String   

An analysis to compute the sibling constructors (belonging to the same data type) for a data constructor. Shows the result of the sibling constructors analysis, i.e., shows a list of constructor names.

siblingCons :: Analysis [(String,String)]   

totalAnalysis :: Analysis Bool   

A function is totally defined if it is pattern complete and depends only on totally defined functions.

showTotally :: AOutFormat -> Bool -> String   

Further infos:
  • solution complete, i.e., able to compute all solutions

patCompAnalysis :: Analysis Completeness   

Pattern completeness analysis

showComplete :: AOutFormat -> Completeness -> String   

Further infos:
  • solution complete, i.e., able to compute all solutions