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Throughout this manual, the syntax for new forms is described using a pattern notation with ellipses. Plain, centered ellipses ( tex2html_wrap_inline100181 ) indicate zero or more repetitions of the preceding S-expression pattern. Ellipses with a ``1'' subscript ( tex2html_wrap_inline100183 ) indicate one or more repetitions of the preceding S-expression pattern.

For example:

  (let-values (((variable  tex2html_wrap_inline100181 ) expr)  tex2html_wrap_inline100181 )
     tex2html_wrap_inline100183 ) 

The first set of ellipses indicate that any number of variables (or none) can be provided with a single expr. The second set of ellipses indicate that any number of ((variable tex2html_wrap_inline100181 ) expr) combinations (or none) can appear in the parentheses following the let-values syntax name. The last set of ellipses indicate that a let-values expression can contain any number of body-expr expressions, as long as at least one expression is provided. In describing parts of the let-values syntax, the name variable is used to refer to a single binding variable in a let-values expression.

Some examples contain simple ellipses (...); these ellipses indicate that an unimportant part of the example expression has been omitted.

Square brackets (``['' and ``]'') are normally treated as parentheses by MzScheme, and this manual uses square brackets as parentheses in example code. However, in describing a MzScheme procedure, this manual uses square brackets to denote optional arguments. For example,

  (raise-syntax-error name-symbol message-string [expr sub-expr]) 
describes the calling convention for a procedure raise-syntax-error where the name-symbol and message-string arguments are required, and the expr and sub-expr arguments are optional (but expr must be provided if sub-expr is provided).