@INPROCEEDINGS{BrasselFischerHanusHuchVidal07ICFP, author = "Brassel, B. and Fischer, S. and Hanus, M. and Huch, F. and Vidal, G.", title = "Lazy Call-By-Value Evaluation", year = "2007", pages = "265-276", publisher = "ACM Press", booktitle = "Proc.\ of the International Conference on Functional Programming (ICFP 2007)" abstract = { Designing debugging tools for lazy functional programming languages is a complex task which is often solved by expensive tracing of lazy computations. We present a new approach in which the information collected as a trace is reduced considerably (kilobytes instead of megabytes). The idea is to collect a kind of step information for a call-by-value interpreter, which can then efficiently reconstruct the computation for debugging/viewing tools, like declarative debugging. We show the correctness of the approach, discuss a proof-of-concept implementation with a declarative debugger as back end and present some benchmarks comparing our new approach with the Haskell debugger Hat. } }