-- This Curry program has been written by Michael Hanus and Pierre Rety. -- -- The user has to provide a melody, and the program proposes an accompaniment -- composed of chords. More precisely, for each bar the program yields -- one or several chord choices (frequently, one major chord and one minor -- chord), among which the musician can choose according to his/her -- sensibility. -- The main program as well as three examples lie at the end of this file. -- The main function is called 'run'. -- Some optimizations to improve the efficiency could be done. ------------------------ Restrictions ------------------------------------ -- The current program can only deal with melodies written in the C major -- scale (or A minor), without accidentals. This could easily be extended -- to any tonality by performing a translation over the integers that -- encode notes. -- The current program can only deal with bars of type 4/4. ------------------------ Data type declarations ---------------------------- -- The notes (C major scale, R denotes a rest) data Note = C | D | E | F | G | A | B | R -- The chords data Chord = C_maj | D_maj | E_maj | F_maj | G_maj | G_maj7 | A_maj | B_maj | C_min | D_min | E_min | F_min | G_min | A_min | B_min -------------------------- Auxiliary functions ----------------------------- -- Absolute value. abs :: Int -> Int abs x = if x<0 then 0-x else x -- The minimum of two integers. min :: Int -> Int -> Int min x y = if x Int minValueInList (x:l) = foldr min x l -- Maps a two argument function on two lists. map2 :: (t1->t2->t)->[t1]->[t2]->[t] map2 f xs ys = map (uncurry f) (zip xs ys) ------------------------- Generation --------------------------------------- -- Generates a list of (chord, duration). This list corresponds to -- one melody bar. -- A duration is an integer in the interval [1..8]. The duration 1 -- is a eighth note, so the duration 8 is a whole note, i.e. a note that -- covers an entire 4/4 bar. -- Thus the duration sum of the generated list is equal to 8. -- There are three generation functions : the first generates chords -- covering the entire bar, the second generates chords covering the -- half-bars, and the third generates chords covering the quarter-bars. one_chord_bar :: [(Chord, Int)] one_chord_bar = [(aChord, 8)] two_chord_bar :: [(Chord, Int)] two_chord_bar = [(aChord, 4), (aChord, 4)] four_chord_bar :: [(Chord, Int)] four_chord_bar = [(aChord, 2), (aChord, 2), (aChord, 2), (aChord, 2)] -- Versions without demand-driven generation of the search space: --two_chord_bar | [(aChord, 4), (aChord, 4)] =:= bar -- = bar -- where bar free --four_chord_bar | [(aChord, 2), (aChord, 2), (aChord, 2), (aChord, 2)] =:= bar -- = bar -- where bar free -- Generates the major and minor chords of the C major scale, -- (all their notes must belong to the C major scale). aChord :: Chord aChord = C_maj aChord = F_maj aChord = G_maj aChord = G_maj7 aChord = D_min aChord = E_min aChord = A_min ------------------------- Dissonance checking ------------------------------ -- Given a chord bar (a list of (chord, duration); let x be its length) -- as well as a melody bar (a list of (note,duration)), -- returns this chord bar if it fits the melody bar, i.e. -- the dissonance between each chord of the chord bar and the -- corresponding part of the melody is not too great (local criterion), -- and the sum of these dissonances is not too great (global criterion). -- Otherwise returns nothing. -- -- The global criterion applies if x = 2 (resp. x = 4), in this case the -- dissonance sum must not be greater than 6 (resp 4). -- -- The melody is first split into x parts, then it is -- compacted to put together into one note the identical consecutive notes, in -- order to consider the melody parts containing only one or several times -- the same note as a particular case. checkBarDiss :: [(Chord, Int)] -> [(Note, Int)] -> ([(Chord, Int)],Int) -- This formulation does not work due to restrictions in the current parser: checkBarDiss chordbar melodybar | (x == 1 || dissonance_sum <= 4 || (x == 2 && dissonance_sum <= 6)) = (map fst chord_and_dissonance_bar , dissonance_sum) where x = length chordbar durations = map snd chordbar split_melody = splitBar durations melodybar compacted_melody = map2 compact_melody split_melody durations chord_and_dissonance_bar = map2 checkDiss_wrt_one_chord chordbar compacted_melody dissonance_sum = foldr (+) 0 (map snd chord_and_dissonance_bar) -- checkBarDiss chordbar melodybar = -- checkBarDiss_aux chordbar chord_and_dissonance_bar -- where chord_and_dissonance_bar -- = map2 checkDiss_wrt_one_chord -- chordbar (compact_melodies melodybar (map snd chordbar)) -- -- checkBarDiss_aux chordbar chord_and_dissonance_bar -- | (x == 1 || dissonance_sum <= 4 || (x == 2 && dissonance_sum <= 6)) -- = (map fst chord_and_dissonance_bar , dissonance_sum) -- where x = length chordbar -- dissonance_sum = foldr (+) 0 (map snd chord_and_dissonance_bar) -- -- compact_melodies melodybar durations = -- map2 compact_melody split_melody durations -- where split_melody = splitBar durations melodybar -- Given a (chord, duration) as well as a melody part of the same duration -- (given by a non empty list of (note, duration)), -- returns this (chord, duration) as well as the dissonance between it and -- the melody part if this dissonance is not greater than some bound. -- Otherwise returns nothing. checkDiss_wrt_one_chord :: (Chord,Int) -> [(Note,Int)] -> ((Chord,Int), Int) -- Particular cases : the melody part contains only one note. checkDiss_wrt_one_chord (chord,td) [(C,_)] | ((chord == F_maj) || (chord == A_min)) = ((chord,td),0) checkDiss_wrt_one_chord (chord,td) [(D,_)] | ((chord == G_maj) || (chord == D_min)) = ((chord,td),0) checkDiss_wrt_one_chord (chord,td) [(E,_)] | ((chord == C_maj)) = ((chord,td),0) checkDiss_wrt_one_chord (chord,td) [(F,_)] | ((chord == D_min)) = ((chord,td),0) checkDiss_wrt_one_chord (chord,td) [(G,_)] | ((chord == C_maj) || (chord == E_min)) = ((chord,td),0) checkDiss_wrt_one_chord (chord,td) [(A,_)] | ((chord == F_maj) || (chord == A_min)) = ((chord,td),0) checkDiss_wrt_one_chord (chord,td) [(B,_)] | ((chord == G_maj) || (chord == E_min)) = ((chord,td),0) -- The general case. -- If the melody part is [(n1,d1),...,(n_p,d_p)] and if diss_i denotes -- the dissonance between the chord and the note n_i, -- the dissonance between the chord and the melody part is -- 3*(diss_1*d1 + ... + diss_p*d_p) + (diss_1 or diss_2). -- By adding diss_1 or diss_2, the first non rest note has a stronger -- weight (diss_2 instead of diss_1 when the first note is a rest). -- -- The bound is d1 + ... + d_p, among which the d_i's corresponding to -- rests are replaced by 0. Indeed, the dissonance between any chord -- and the rest being equal to 0, we must not consider rests when -- computing the bound. -- Note that if there is no rest, the bound is equal to the duration of -- the chord. -- checkDiss_wrt_one_chord (t,td) ((n1,d1):rem) -- | (not(rem == [])) && (diss <= computedBound) = ((t,td),diss) -- -- where diss1 = dissonance(n1,t) -- partialDissList = map (\(n,d)->dissonance(n,t)*d) rem -- partialDiss = foldr (+) (diss1*d1) partialDissList -- diss = if n1 == R -- then 3*(partialDiss) + dissonance(fst (head rem),t) -- else 3*(partialDiss) + diss1 -- computedBound = bound ((n1,d1):rem) checkDiss_wrt_one_chord (t,td) ((n1,d1):rem) = checkDiss_wrt_one_chord_aux (t,td) ((n1,d1):rem) partialDiss where partialDiss = foldr (+) (dissonance(n1,t)*d1) (map (\p->dissonance((fst p),t)*(snd p)) rem) -- (map (\(n,d)->dissonance(n,t)*d) rem) checkDiss_wrt_one_chord_aux (t,td) ((n1,d1):rem) partialDiss | (not(rem == [])) && (diss <= bound ((n1,d1):rem)) = ((t,td),diss) where diss = if n1 == R then 3*partialDiss + dissonance(fst (head rem),t) else 3*partialDiss + dissonance(n1,t) -- Computes the dissonance bound w.r.t. a melody part. bound :: [(Note, Int)] -> Int bound [] = 0 bound ((n1,d1):rem) = if n1 == R then bound rem else d1 + bound rem -- Computes the dissonance between a note n and a chord t. -- This is the dissonance of the minimum interval between n and -- the notes of t. An interval between two notes is the minimal distance -- that separates them modulo the octave. dissonance :: (Note, Chord) -> Int dissonance(n,t) = interval2diss (minInterval n t) -- Returns the minimal interval between the note n and the notes held in -- the chord t. minInterval :: Note -> Chord -> Int minInterval n t = minValueInList (map (notes2interval n) (chord2notes t) ) -- Computes the interval between two notes. This is the minimal number -- of 1/2 tones that separate them modulo the octave, i.e. modulo 12 -- when working with notes converted into integers. The interval between -- any note and the rest R is 0. -- n1 and n2 must not be both a rest. notes2interval :: Note -> Note -> Int notes2interval n1 n2 = if dist>50 then 0 -- rest case. else if dist>6 then 12-dist else dist where dist = abs(note2int n1 - note2int n2) -- converts a note into an integer. note2int :: Note -> Int note2int C = 0 note2int D = 2 note2int E = 4 note2int F = 5 note2int G = 7 note2int A = 9 note2int B = 11 note2int R = 99 -- Converts an interval (a number of 1/2 tones) into a dissonance. -- The unison produces no dissonance, -- the 1 interval as well as the 2 interval produce a dissonance. -- An interval greater than 2 produces no dissonance. -- Note that unlike classical music, the 6 interval (tritone) is not -- forbidden here, and produces no dissonance. interval2diss :: Int -> Int interval2diss 0 = 0 interval2diss 1 = 1 interval2diss 2 = 1 interval2diss 3 = 0 interval2diss 4 = 0 interval2diss 5 = 0 interval2diss 6 = 0 -- Gives the list of notes held in a chord. chord2notes :: Chord -> [Note] chord2notes C_maj = [C,E,G] chord2notes F_maj = [F,A,C] chord2notes G_maj = [G,B,D] chord2notes G_maj7 = [G,B,D,F] chord2notes D_min = [D,F,A] chord2notes E_min = [E,G,B] chord2notes A_min = [A,C,E] -- Split a bar of the melody (given by a list of (note, duration) in the -- second argument) into several parts (sub-lists). -- The first argument is the list of intended durations of various parts. -- Thus the number of intended parts is the length of this list. -- The total durations of the first and second argument must be equal. -- Note that the case where a note overlaps over both -- parts is dealt with : the call of splitBar [4, 4] [(C,3), (D,2), (E,3)] -- returns [[(C,3),(D,1)], [(D,1),(E,3)]]. splitBar :: [Int] -> [(Note, Int)] -> [[(Note, Int)]] splitBar [] [] = [] splitBar (d:drem) ((n,t):mrem) = if d==t then ([(n,t)]: splitBar drem mrem) else if t>d then -- in this case, the note n is too long : it is shared between two parts ([(n,d)]: splitBar drem ((n,t-d):mrem)) else -- t <= d ( ((n,t):(head sp)) : tail sp) where sp = splitBar ((d-t):drem) mrem -- Compacts a melody part given by a non empty list of (note, duration). -- It puts together into one note the identical consecutive notes of the -- melody part. -- It removes the other notes of the melody part if the identical consecutive -- notes last at least more than the 3/4 of the melody part. -- The second argument is the length of the given melody part (this avoids -- to compute it again). -- For example, [(A,3),(A,1)] is replaced by [(A,4)], -- however [(A,2),(A,1),(B,1)] is also replaced by [(A,4)]. -- Indeed, from a musical point of view, (B,1) is a short note, -- just used here as a transition to reach the next melody part. -- Thus, it must not affect the chords. This is why this note is removed. compact_melody :: [(Note,Int)] -> Int -> [(Note,Int)] compact_melody ((n,d):rem) len = compact_melody_rec n 0 ((n,d):rem) len compact_melody_rec :: Note -> Int -> [(Note,Int)] -> Int -> [(Note,Int)] compact_melody_rec old_n sum_d [] len = if (sum_d >= three_quarters) then [(old_n, len)] else [(old_n,sum_d)] where three_quarters = div (3*len) 4 compact_melody_rec old_n sum_d ((n,d):rem) len = if (n == old_n) then compact_melody_rec n (sum_d+d) rem len else if (sum_d >= three_quarters) then [(old_n, len)] else if snd (head compacted_remainder) == len then compacted_remainder else ((old_n, sum_d):compacted_remainder) where three_quarters = div (3*len) 4 compacted_remainder = compact_melody ((n,d):rem) len ------------- Main program, encapsulated search, and printing -------------- -- Yields chords that fit the given melody bar, encapsulated in a list. -- Chords that cover the entire bar are first sought. If there are not, -- chord pairs, each chord of which covers a half-bar, are sought. -- If there are not, chord 4-tuples, each chord of which covers a -- quarter-bar, are sought. compute_bar :: [(Note, Int)] -> [([(Chord, Int)],Int)] -- this definition computes one/two_chord_solutions twice with the old parser: compute_bar mbar = if one_chord_solutions == [] then if two_chord_solutions == [] then bestOf (findall (\x -> checkBarDiss four_chord_bar mbar =:= x)) else bestOf two_chord_solutions else bestOf one_chord_solutions where one_chord_solutions = findall (\x -> checkBarDiss one_chord_bar mbar =:= x) two_chord_solutions = findall (\x -> checkBarDiss two_chord_bar mbar =:= x) -- Filter list of pairs with a minimal (up to variance 1) snd component: bestOf :: [(a,Int)] -> [(a,Int)] bestOf bars = filter (\x -> (snd x)-minDiss<2) bars where minDiss = minValueInList (map snd bars) -- formatting functions for bars: format_diss_bar_chord :: ([(Chord, Int)],Int) -> String format_diss_bar_chord (barc,diss) = format_bar_chord barc ++ " (" ++ posint2String diss ++ ")" -- format_bar_chord barc format_bar_chord [] = "" format_bar_chord [t] = format_chord t format_bar_chord (t1:t2:ts) = format_chord t1 ++ " " ++ format_bar_chord (t2:ts) format_chord (chord,d) = chord2String chord ++ "/" ++ posint2String d chord2String C_maj = "Cmaj" chord2String F_maj = "Fmaj" chord2String G_maj = "Gmaj" chord2String G_maj7 = "Gmaj7" chord2String D_min = "Dmin" chord2String E_min = "Emin" chord2String A_min = "Amin" posint2String n = if n<=9 then [chr(ord '0' + n)] else posint2String (n `div` 10) ++ [chr(ord '0' + n `mod` 10)] ----- -- Prints disjunctive chord answers on one line. These are the various -- chord propositions for one melody bar. print_chord_alts :: [([(Chord, Int)],Int)] -> IO () print_chord_alts [x] = putStr (format_diss_bar_chord x) >> putStr "\n" print_chord_alts (x:y:rem) = do putStr (format_diss_bar_chord x) putStr " || " print_chord_alts (y:rem) -- The main function. -- Prints chords that fit the given melody. A melody is a list of melody bars. -- Each printed line corresponds to one melody bar. run :: [[(Note, Int)]] -> IO () run melody = do putStrLn "Proposed chords:" mapIO_ (print_chord_alts . compute_bar) melody ----- Example : The Sounds of silence (Simon and Garfunkel) -------------- -- The chords given by Paul Simon are: -- [[(A_min,8)], [(G_maj,8)], [(G_maj,8)], -- [(A_min,8)], [(A_min,4),(C_maj,4)], [(F_maj,4),(C_maj,4)], -- [(C_maj,8)], [(F_maj,4),(C_maj,4)], [(C_maj,4),(F_maj,4)], -- [(F_maj,8)], [(F_maj,4),(C_maj,4)], [(C_maj,8)], -- [(A_min,4),(C_maj,4)], [(G_maj,4),(A_min,4)]] -- -- Our program finds this solution, up to a few slight differences. -- The melody. sounds = [ [(R,2),(A,1),(A,1),(C,1),(C,1),(E,1),(E,1)], [(D,8)], [(R,2),(G,1),(G,1),(B,1),(B,1),(D,1),(D,1)], [(C,8)], [(R,2),(C,1),(C,1),(E,1),(E,1),(G,1),(G,1)], [(A,2),(A,1),(G,5)], [(R,2),(C,1),(C,1),(E,1),(E,1),(G,1),(G,1)], [(A,2),(A,1),(G,5)], [(R,2),(C,1),(C,1),(A,3),(A,1)], [(A,2),(A,1),(B,1),(C,3),(C,1)], [(C,1),(B,1),(A,2),(G,4)], [(R,2),(A,1),(G,1),(E,4)], [(R,1),(A,1),(A,1),(C,1),(G,4)], [(R,1),(B,3),(C,1),(A,3)]] -- agamemnon/strict: 3.2 secs -- agamemnon/dd: 1.36 secs ----- Example : Nicolas and Bart (J. Baez) ------------------------------ -- The chords given by J. Baez are: -- [[(C_maj,8)], [(G_maj,8)], [(A_min,8)], [(G_maj,8)], -- [(C_maj,8)], [(G_maj,8)], [(A_min,8)], [(G_maj,8)], -- [(C_maj,8)], [(D_min,8)], [(G_maj7,8)], [(C_maj,8)], -- [(C_maj,8)], [(D_min,8)], [(A_min,4),(E_maj,4)], [(A_min,8)]] -- -- Our program finds this solution, up to one difference. -- The last but one chord E_maj includes the foreign note G sharp. -- However replacing E_min by E_maj is frequent, though not systematic. -- This scenario is not included in our program. It then yields E_min -- for this half-bar. -- The melody. nicolas = [ [(E,6),(C,2)], [(D,6),(B,2)], [(C,2),(B,2),(A,4)], [(B,6),(R,2)], [(E,6),(C,2)], [(D,6),(B,2)], [(C,2),(B,2),(A,4)], [(D,6),(R,2)], [(G,6),(E,2)], [(F,6),(D,2)], [(D,2),(E,2),(F,4)], [(E,6),(R,2)], [(E,6),(C,2)], [(D,6),(B,2)], [(C,4),(B,4)], [(A,8)]] -- agamemnon/strict: 1.1 secs -- agamemnon/dd: 0.7 secs testbar1 = [(C,2),(A,1),(G,1),(B,1),(F,1),(D,2)] -- compute_bar(testbar1) ----- Example : Homeward bound (Simon and Garfunkel) --------------------- -- We only consider the chorus, instead of the entire melody. -- The chords given by Paul Simon are: -- [[(C_maj,8)], [(F_maj,8)], -- [(F_maj,8)], [(C_maj,8)], -- [(C_maj,8)], [(F_maj,8)], [(F_maj,8)], [(C_maj,8)], -- [(D_min,2),(C_maj,2),(B_flat_maj,2),(F_maj,2)], [(C_maj,8)], -- [(D_min,2),(C_maj,2),(B_flat_maj,2),(F_maj,2)], [(C_maj,8)], -- [(D_min,2),(C_maj,2),(B_flat_maj,2),(F_maj,2)], [(G_maj7,8)], -- [(C_maj,8)], [(C_maj,8)]] -- Our program finds this solution, except for the third bar, for which -- Paul Simon kept on purpose the same chord as for the second bar, -- i.e. Fmaj, though this causes a big dissonance with the melody. -- On oberon, the runtime is 22507 ms. -- Without demand-driven generation of the search space, there is no answer: -- only 'managing allocation failure' after a runtime of a few minutes. -- The chorus. homeward = [ [(C,4),(B,2),(C,2)], [(A,8)], [(R,2),(G,2),(A,2),(G,2)], [(E,1),(D,1),(C,4),(R,2)], [(C,4),(B,2),(C,2)], [(A,8)], [(A,8)], [(E,2),(R,3),(E,1),(E,1),(F,1)], [(F,2),(E,2),(D,2),(C,2)], [(E,2),(R,3),(E,1),(E,1),(F,1)], [(F,2),(E,2),(D,2),(C,2)], [(E,2),(R,3),(E,1),(E,1),(F,1)], [(F,2),(E,2),(D,2),(C,2)], [(D,2),(E,2),(D,4)], [(C,2),(G,6)], [(G,8)]] -- agamemnon/strict: 65.9 secs -- agamemnon/dd: 1.6 secs homeward1 = [ [(C,4),(B,2),(C,2)], [(A,8)], [(R,2),(G,2),(A,2),(G,2)], [(E,1),(D,1),(C,4),(R,2)], [(C,4),(B,2),(C,2)], [(A,8)], [(A,8)], [(E,2),(R,3),(E,1),(E,1),(F,1)], [(F,2),(E,2),(D,2),(C,2)]] --, [(E,2),(R,3),(E,1),(E,1),(F,1)], -- [(F,2),(E,2),(D,2),(C,2)], [(E,2),(R,3),(E,1),(E,1),(F,1)], -- [(F,2),(E,2),(D,2),(C,2)], [(D,2),(E,2),(D,4)], -- [(C,2),(G,6)], [(G,8)]] -- agamemnon/strict: 21.5 secs -- agamemnon/dd: 0.8 secs -- critical bars: homeward2 = [[(F,2),(E,2),(D,2),(C,2)]] -- dadealus/strict: 51.7 secs (no GC) -- dadealus/dd: 0.7 secs (no GC) -- agamemnon/strict: 20.5 secs -- agamemnon/dd: 0.3 secs homeward3 = [[(F,2),(E,2),(D,2),(C,2)], [(F,2),(E,2),(D,2),(C,2)]] -- dadealus/strict: 1293 secs (including GC) -- dadealus/dd: 1.4 secs (no GC) -- agamemnon/strict: 42.5 secs -- agamemnon/dd: 0.6 secs ---------------- Example : a french song ------------------------- -- The chords given by the author are: -- [[(C_maj,4),(D_min,4)], [(A_min,2),(E_maj,2),(A_min,4)], -- [(C_maj,4),(D_min,4)], [(F_maj,2),(G_maj,2),(C_maj,4)], -- [(F_maj,4),(G_maj,4)], [(D_min,4),(C_maj,4)], -- [(D_min,4),(A_min,4)], [(D_min,4),(E_maj,4)]] -- Our program finds this solution, except that : -- -- it finds E_min instead of E_maj, because the chord E_maj -- (that contains the foreign note G sharp), is not included in our program, -- -- for the last bar as well as the last but two bars, it generates one -- chord for the whole bar, with the dissonance 7, that is to say -- a dissonance value close to the bound 8. -- The melody frenchsong = [ [(E,2),(E,1),(C,1),(D,3),(E,1)], [(C,2),(B,2),(A,1),(B,1),(A,2)], [(E,2),(E,1),(C,1),(D,3),(E,1)], [(C,2),(D,2),(E,1),(D,1),(E,2)], [(A,2),(A,1),(A,1),(G,2),(F,1),(E,1)], [(F,2),(A,2),(E,4)], [(D,2),(E,1),(D,1),(C,2),(B,1),(A,1)], [(C,2),(D,2),(B,4)]] -- agamemnon/strict: 48.5 secs -- agamemnon/dd: 2.0 secs