Parallel Evaluation Strategies for Functional Logic Languages

by Sergio Antoy, Rachid Echahed, Michael Hanus

International Conference on Logic Programming (ICLP'97), MIT Press, pp. 138-152, 1997

We introduce novel, sound, complete, and locally optimal evaluation strategies for functional logic programming languages. Our strategies combine, in a non-trivial way, two landmark techniques in this area: the computation of unifiers performed by needed narrowing in inductively sequential rewrite systems and the simultaneous reduction of a necessary set of redexes performed by rewriting in weakly orthogonal, constructor-based rewrite systems. First, we define a sequential strategy similar in scope to other narrowing strategies used in modern lazy functional logic languages. Then, based on the sequential strategy, we define a parallel narrowing strategy that has several noteworthy characteristics: it is the first complete narrowing strategy which evaluates ground expressions in a fully deterministic, optimal way; it computes shortest derivations and minimal sets of solutions on inductively sequential rewrite systems; and when combined with term simplification, it subsumes and improves all recently developed optimizations of narrowing for overlapping rewrite rules.

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