:- module( fortprog , [ iddfs_assertIfNotExists/1 , iddfs_maxList/2 , iddfs_isNewResult/2 , iddfs_searchDepth/1 , iddfs_set_step/1 ] ). :- dynamic user:continue_iddfs/0. :- dynamic user:iddfs_isUserDefined/2. :- dynamic user:iddfs_step/1. :- dynamic user:expand_query/4. :- multifile user:expand_query/4. :- multifile user:term_expansion/2. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ATTENTION %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % The "root" predicates are term_expansion/2 and expand_query/4, at the bottom % of this file (for technical reasons). Skip to them to understand the other % predicates. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%% Special queries %%%%% % Handle the special query of loading a module (determine user defined % predicates before). expandQuery([Module], [Module]) :- absolute_file_name(Module, FileName, [extensions(['.pl'])]) , write(FileName), nl , preProcess(FileName). %%%%% The pure term expanding predicates %%%%% % Expand a query % `?- .` % % to % % `?- iddfs_assertIfNotExists(user:continue_iddfs) % , iddfs_searchDepth(MaxDepth) % , retract(user:continue_iddfs) % , % , iddfs_maxList(Lvls, Lvl) % , iddfs_isNewResult(Lvl, MaxDepth).` expandQuery(Query, NewQuery) :- termAny(isUserDefinedTerm, Query) -> ( expandBody(MaxDepth, Query, ExpQuery, Lvls) , makeConjTerm([ iddfs_assertIfNotExists(user:continue_iddfs) , iddfs_searchDepth(MaxDepth) , retract(user:continue_iddfs) , ExpQuery , iddfs_maxList(Lvls, Lvl) , iddfs_isNewResult(Lvl, MaxDepth) ] , NewQuery) ) ; Query = NewQuery. expandRule(Head, Body, NewHead, NewBody) :- functor(Head, Functor, Arity) , user:iddfs_isUserDefined(Functor, Arity) -> ( expandPredication(MaxDepth, Head, NewHead, Lvl) , expandBody(MaxD1, Body, TempBody0, Lvls) , expandBodyByLvlCalc(Lvls, Lvl, TempBody0, TempBody1) , expandBodyByDepthCalcAndCut(MaxDepth, MaxD1, TempBody1, NewBody) ) ; (Head = NewHead, Body = NewBody). % Expect term (and not its parts generated by `=..`) as input. expandPredication(Depth, CompoundTerm, Expansion, Lvl) :- CompoundTerm =.. CTParts , expandCompoundTermParts(Depth, CTParts, ExpCTParts, Lvl) , Expansion =.. ExpCTParts. expandCompoundTermParts(Depth, [Functor | Args], [NewFunctor | NewArgs], Lvl) :- length(Args, N) , user:iddfs_isUserDefined(Functor, N) -> ( appendArgs([Depth, Lvl], Args, NewArgs) , atom_concat(Functor, '_iddfs_expanded', NewFunctor) ) % Don't expand if predicate is not user-defined. ; ( Functor = NewFunctor , Args = NewArgs , Lvl = 0 ). % Expect term (and not its parts generated by `=..`) as input. % If body is just a variable, `=..` does not work. expandBody(_ , VarBody, VarBody, [0]) :- var(VarBody), !. expandBody(Depth, Body , NewBody, Lvls) :- Body =.. BodyParts , expandBodyParts(Depth, BodyParts, ExpBodyParts, Lvls) , NewBody =.. ExpBodyParts. expandBodyParts(Depth, [',', Left, Right], [',', ExpLeft, ExpRight], Lvls) :- expandBody(Depth, Left, ExpLeft, LvlsLeft) , expandBody(Depth, Right, ExpRight, LvlsRight) , append(LvlsLeft, LvlsRight, Lvls). expandBodyParts(Depth, [';', Left, Right], [';', ExpLeft, ExpRight], Lvls) :- expandBody(Depth, Left, ExpLeft, LvlsLeft) , expandBody(Depth, Right, ExpRight, LvlsRight) , append(LvlsLeft, LvlsRight, Lvls). expandBodyParts(Depth, [->, Left, Right], [->, ExpLeft, ExpRight], Lvls) :- expandBody(Depth, Left, ExpLeft, LvlsLeft) , expandBody(Depth, Right, ExpRight, LvlsRight) , append(LvlsLeft, LvlsRight, Lvls). expandBodyParts(Depth, [\+, Arg], [\+, ExpArg], Lvls) :- expandBody(Depth, Arg, ExpArg, Lvls). expandBodyParts(Depth, PredicationParts, NewPred, [Lvl]) :- PredicationTerm =.. PredicationParts , expandPredication(Depth, PredicationTerm, ExpPredTerm, Lvl) , ExpPredTerm =.. NewPred. % Transform % % % % to % % , iddfs_maxList(Lvls, MaxLvl), Lvl is MaxLvl + 1 expandBodyByLvlCalc(Lvls, Lvl, Body, NewBody) :- makeConjTerm( [ Body , iddfs_maxList(Lvls, MaxLvl) , Lvl is MaxLvl + 1] , NewBody). % Transform % % % to % % N > 0 -> ( N1 is N - 1, ) % ; (iddfs_assertIfNotExists(user:continue_iddfs), fail) expandBodyByDepthCalcAndCut(MaxDepth, MaxD1, Body, NewBody) :- makeConjTerm([MaxD1 is MaxDepth - 1, Body], ThenAction) , makeDisjTerm([ MaxDepth > 0 -> ThenAction , (iddfs_assertIfNotExists(user:continue_iddfs) , fail)] , NewBody). %%%%% Specific utility predicates %%%%% iddfs_assertIfNotExists(Term) :- \+ Term -> asserta(Term) ; true. % This determines the step used to increase the search depth. It is configurable % by using `iddfs_set_step/1`. user:iddfs_step(1). iddfs_set_step(N) :- retractall(user:iddfs_step(_)), asserta(user:iddfs_step(N)). % Count from 0 to infinity using global step setting. iddfs_searchDepth(0). iddfs_searchDepth(D) :- user:continue_iddfs , iddfs_searchDepth(D1) , user:iddfs_step(Step) , D is D1 + Step. iddfs_maxList([], 0). % For our purpose this is a good choice. iddfs_maxList([ X | Xs ], Max) :- iddfs_maxList(Xs, MaxSoFar) , (ground(X) -> Max is max(X, MaxSoFar) ; Max is MaxSoFar). % A result is considered new, if it is found within a new interval. iddfs_isNewResult(Lvl, MaxDepth) :- user:iddfs_step(Step) , Lvl >= MaxDepth - Step + 1. preProcess(Module) :- open(Module, read, Stream) , read_terms(Stream, Terms) , checkForIllegalOps(Terms) , getUserDefinedPreds(Terms) , close(Stream). read_terms(Stream, []) :- at_end_of_stream(Stream). read_terms(Stream, [T | Ts]) :- \+ at_end_of_stream(Stream) , read(Stream, T) , read_terms(Stream, Ts). checkForIllegalOps(Terms) :- listAny(termAny(isForbiddenOp), Terms), !. checkForIllegalOps(_). isForbiddenOp(Term) :- \+ var(Term) -> functor(Term, '!', 0) , syntax_error('IDDFS is not compatible with the cut (!) operator!'). isForbiddenOp(Term) :- \+ var(Term) -> functor(Term, \+, 1) , syntax_error('IDDFS is not compatible with the negation (\\+) operator!'). getUserDefinedPreds(Terms) :- retractall(user:iddfs_isUserDefined(_,_)) , dispatch_terms(Terms). isUserDefinedTerm(Term) :- \+ var(Term) -> functor(Term, F, A), user:iddfs_isUserDefined(F, A). markAsUserDefined(Term) :- functor(Term, F, A) , F \= end_of_file -> iddfs_assertIfNotExists(user:iddfs_isUserDefined(F, A)) ; true. % Transform terms from argument list to an right associative conjunction term. % For example: `[true, false, true, false]` becomes `true, (false, (true, false))` makeConjTerm(Args, Result) :- makeOpTerm(',', Args, Result). % See `makeConjTerm`, but with `;` instead of `,` makeDisjTerm(Args, Result) :- makeOpTerm(';', Args, Result). appendArgs(Args, OldArgs, NewArgs) :- append(OldArgs, Args, NewArgs). %%%%% Generic utility predicates %%%%% % True if Goal can successfully be applied on root term, or if termAny(Goal, ST) % can can successfully be applied on any subterm ST of the root term. % Mind that the root term could also be a variable or an atom. termAny(Goal, Term) :- call(Goal, Term), !. termAny(Goal, Term) :- \+ var(Term) -> Term =.. [ _ | Args ], listAny(termAny(Goal), Args). % True if Goal can successfully be applied on any element of List listAny(Goal, [X | _ ]) :- call(Goal, X), !. listAny(Goal, [_ | Xs]) :- listAny(Goal, Xs). % Contruct term using given binary op. For example: % makeOpTerm( op, [x1, ..., xn], x1 op (x2 op (...( xn-1 op xn)...)) ). makeOpTerm(_ , [Arg0], Result) :- Result = Arg0. makeOpTerm(Op, [Arg0, Arg1 | Args], Result) :- makeOpTerm(Op, [Arg1 | Args], TempRes) , Result =.. [Op, Arg0, TempRes]. %%%%% The Dispatching of terms %%%%% %%% Dispatching needed during term expansion dispatch([:-, Directive], [:-, Directive]) :- !. dispatch([?-, Query], [?-, NewQuery]) :- expandQuery(Query, NewQuery), !. dispatch([:-, Head, Body], [:-, NewHead, NewBody]) :- expandRule(Head, Body, NewHead, NewBody), !. dispatch(PredicationParts, NewPred) :- PredicationTerm =.. PredicationParts , expandPredication(_, PredicationTerm, ExpPredTerm, 0) , ExpPredTerm =.. NewPred. %%% Dispatching needed during query expansion dispatch_terms([]). dispatch_terms([T | Ts]) :- T =.. TParts, dispatch(TParts), dispatch_terms(Ts). dispatch([:-, _]) :- !. dispatch([?-, _]) :- !. dispatch([:-, Head, _]) :- markAsUserDefined(Head), !. dispatch(PredParts) :- Pred =.. PredParts, markAsUserDefined(Pred). %%%%% The hooks which initiate term expansion %%%%% :- asserta((user:expand_query(Q1,Q2,B,B) :- expandQuery(Q1, Q2))). :- asserta((user:term_expansion(Term, Expansion) :- Term =.. Parts, dispatch(Parts, ProcessedParts), Expansion =.. ProcessedParts)). %%% Greeting message: :- write('Welcome to SWI-Prolog (extended WITH COMPLETE SEARCH for DeklProg, 05/12/22).'), nl.